Our journey through Rwanda
Our second visit was to the home of the poorest lady in the sector. She is widowed with six children. We walked to her hut with a parade of children and women. So surreal. The sector leaders introduced us to her and explained that we wanted to address her need for a home. She was weighed down with this gesture and didn’t quite know how to respond. We left her with her eyes bright and glossed over with tears and her smile big..
Today we visited the Shyogo Sector in Kayonza – we purchased the home for the Refugee Woman from Tanzania. Sector leaders greeted and welcomed us. Our sponsor son, from Tanzania, was with us and to his surprise and ours – she was in his village and he knew her. He was overwhelmed with gratefulness for the gesture and so happy in his heart!
Sunday Butare
In honor of 50 years of marriage - my brother and sister-in-law wanted to share their blessings of life and marriage. To honor this, they have bought a home for a woman with four children. She is a refugee from Tanzania, who came back to Rwanda and instead of going with the other refugees to Kageyo refugee camp she went to Kayonza to look for her land - which was no longer. She was given a small parcel to settle on, so she built her thatched hut out of banana leaves - where she now resides with her family. Her children are with great hunger and malnourished. Her eyes held great sadness. Our hearts were torn and our eyes were filled with tears. Robert translated to her that she will be in a home soon before the heavy rains commence and that this was a gift of great love from Duane & Mary… Thank you for making a difference in the lives of this family! I am a proud sister! Thank you Loice for your compassion and for creating a save and caring space for her to share her story. Thank you Robert for finding this family in need and for leading us to her.
Meet Bunny’s sponsor family. It started with a new roof, then two parcels of land, and then a new little hut was built on her property so she can rent it for income. She has been lifted out of poverty and is now providing food for her family. She lives with HIVAides and has progressed to a balance state of health. Our eyes held such sweet tears as we visited about Bunny. She would have been proud that her empowerment of this woman has lifted her and her family to another level. Bunny you continue to make a difference and your work is not finished here on earth!